Nederland en Scandinavië: beter verbonden per trein. Een onderzoek naar kansrijke verbetermogelijkheden voor de treinreis van Nederland naar Scandinavië

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In both society and politics there’s a growing interest in the effects of air passenger travel due to the carbon emissions and its contribution to climate change. The train is often promoted as a sustainable alternative for distances within Europe. This research entails how the train journey from the Netherlands to Scandinavia (Copenhagen, Stockholm and Oslo) can be improved. The literature shows what is already known about air-rail substitution, how it can be influenced and how train journeys could be improved. The current plane and train journey from the Netherlands to Scandinavia are examined through desk research. Based on the literature and current plane and train journey, depth interviews were performed with several content experts from different backgrounds. The interviews entailed the aspects that seemed unclear according to the literature and current train journey, as well as possible improvements. The improvement opportunities were categorised and a stakeholder analysis was made. For a better train connection between the Netherlands and Scandinavia better cooperation considering ticketing, rolling stock, timetables and infrastructure are crucial. Removing thresholds for (new) railway companies and better marketing of the train journey could contribute to air-rail substitution and lead to new international train connections.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen