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Here the Radboud University presents theses written by students affiliated with the various bachelor and master programmes offered at the Radboud University, as well as papers written by students of the Radboud Honours Academy.

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    Are you going to be naked during the Apocalypse? A discourse analysis of the role of nature in sustainable fashion brands presentation
    (2024-08-22) Soycengin, S.
    This thesis explores the intersection of fashion, nature, and sustainability. The study investigates how fashion brands use the concept of nature in how they present themselves as sustainable and whether these portrayals align with their actual practices. It uses a theoretical framework based on anthro-, techno-, and ecocentrism, alongside Clive Hamilton’s Promethean and Soterian narratives, to analyze nature's role in sustainability campaigns. Case studies of Coachtopia, Patagonia, and Free People illustrate varying approaches to integrating nature into brand strategies.
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    De rol van kostumering in And Just Like That…
    (2024-02-05) Evers, S.D.
    Deze scriptie onderzoekt de relatie tussen kostuumontwerp en feministisch discours in de televisieserie *And Just Like That...* (2021), een vervolg op *Sex and the City* (1998). Aan de hand van de afleveringen "Hello It's Me" en "Seeing the Light" analyseert het onderzoek hoe de kostuums van Carrie, Miranda en Charlotte hun betrokkenheid bij het huidige feministische landschap weerspiegelen. Op basis van theorieën over postfeminisme en hedendaags feminisme evalueert het onderzoek de veranderingen in kleding, kapsels en de sociale druk die hun keuzes met zich meebrengen. De kostuums, kapsels en verhaallijnen in de serie worden onderzocht als visuele manifestaties van de veelzijdigheid van het hedendaagse feminisme. De bevindingen van het onderzoek onthullen een genuanceerde mix van postfeministische sentimenten en opkomende elementen van wat sommigen beschouwen als de vierde golf in het huidige feministische landschap. Het kostuumontwerp in *And Just Like That...* biedt een visuele interpretatie van de complexiteit van hedendaags feminisme.
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    The spread of religion in the Western Roman Empire. A study of the geographical and chronological distribution of Latin votive inscriptions over the Roman Empire.
    (2024-10-30) Klöpping, N. (Nadine)
    This study demonstrates how the geographical and chronological spread of religion over the Roman Empire can be examined during the period from approximately 0 to 300 AD. Its aim is to provide a comprehensive analysis of this spread, identifying general patterns and trends. The analysis is conducted using votive inscriptions from the Epigraphic Database Heidelberg (EDH). The expansion of Rome from the third century BC onward led to intensive interactions with other cultures. Religious life in both Rome and its provinces underwent fundamental changes, such as the introduction of new deities or combinations of deities. For the analysis of this spread, a new database was created, supplementing the EDH data with four additional variables: deity names, pantheon, gender, and site type. The combination of these variables with coordinates, place names, and dating enables quantitative and spatial analyses using tools like Excel, Access, and QGIS. The results are presented in tables and maps. The geographical and statistical analyses of the relationships between the various variables reveal patterns in the spread of deities or groups of deities and their dating. This study provides important insights into the complexity of the dissemination.
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    Journey to the West: The Presence of Serapis in Germania Inferior.
    (2024-08-29) Peters, S.D. (Savannah)
    The presence of the Graeco-Egyptian deity Serapis in the Roman province Germania Inferior was examined by considering the finds that were done in the province that contained his name and/or image. These finds consist of inscriptions, statuettes, intaglios, a lamp and a lamp cover. Then, it was speculated how the worship of this deity so far from his place of origin was experienced by examining several case studies.
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    Over de receptie van populaire thema's uit Ovidius' Metamorphosen in de Nederlandse kunst uit de zestiende en zeventiende eeuw.
    (2024-08-30) Tijhuis, T.F.J.S. (Thomas)
    In de zestiende en zeventiende eeuw werden in de Nederlandse kunst veelvuldig verhalen uit de Metamorphosen, een dichtwerk van de Romeinse dichter Ovidius, veelvuldig afgebeeld waarvan sommigen vaker dan anderen. Deze scriptie gaat in op de receptie van twee van die verhalen in zowel de Nederlandse als Vlaamse schilder- en prentkunst uit de genoemde periode.

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