Vaccination Appeals: Is the T or V Pronoun more Persuasive to Dutch and German Speakers?

dc.contributor.advisorHartog, M. den
dc.contributor.advisorSanchez Carrasco, P.S.C.
dc.contributor.authorKowitz, J. K.
dc.description.abstractThe objective of the present paper is the examination of the impact that T and V pronouns have on the persuasiveness in Dutch and German vaccination appeals. The previous literature suggests that there is a preference for V (Sie) among the German society, while Dutch speakers are more likely to prefer T (jij). A between-subjects experiment was performed in which Dutch and German students were confronted with each 4 posters showing persuasive messages with either T or V pronouns. The Dutch and German natives were then asked to answer a set of questions that measure persuasiveness divided in three components: effectiveness, quality, and capability. After operating a two-way ANOVA, one can conclude that the results of the current study are not in line with the previous indications, as the type of pronoun did not show to have an effect on the perceived persuasiveness. However, one out of three aspects that determine persuasiveness, namely quality, was evaluated higher by the German speakers.en_US
dc.thesis.facultyFaculteit der Letterenen_US
dc.thesis.specialisationInternational Business Communicationen_US
dc.thesis.studyprogrammeBachelor Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappenen_US
dc.titleVaccination Appeals: Is the T or V Pronoun more Persuasive to Dutch and German Speakers?en_US
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