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    Accents and perceptions in medical communication: Impact of doctor accents in English and patient personality on the perceived competence, trustworthiness and comprehensibility.
    (2024-06-07) Wiegerinck, E.M.M.
    This study aimed to investigate to what extent the English speaking doctors with a Standard British accent, an Ukrainian accent and a French accent differ with regard to the listeners’ perceptions of their competence, trustworthiness and comprehensibility. This study also investigated whether the personality of the participants had an effect on their perceptions. The listeners had to fill in a questionnaire, where they had answers questions regarding the audio fragment that they had listened to of an English doctor with a native or non-native accent. From the results we can conclude that the standard British English speaking doctor is perceived as more competent, trustworthy and comprehensible than the Ukrainian accented English speaking doctor and the French accented English speaking doctor. Additionally, certain personality traits of the listener can influence their perception of a doctor’s trustworthiness, regardless of whether the doctor has a native or nonnative accent.
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    Deepfake Audio Detection on YouTube: Influences of Source Platform, Speaker, Language, and Age
    (2024-06-24) Horen, S.E.M. van
    Previous studies have highlighted deepfake as one of the most dangerous forms of deception. However, studies investigating the human ability to detect deepfake is scarce, especially in music audios. Therefore, this experiment investigates the human ability to detect deepfake audios on YouTube. Twelve audios, specifically songs, were displayed to n = 68 individuals and they were asked if they thought the audio was real. The experiment was carried out in English to determine whether native language affects the detection accuracy. In addition, it was tested whether age, presence of source and speaker familiarity affect detection accuracy of real and fake audios, as these variables are important in the deepfake field. The experiment was carried out in an online questionnaire, as a within-subject design. The whole sample showed an effect of speaker familiarity and age, but only for the fake audios. The more voices were recognized, the higher the detection accuracy. Regarding age, the detection accuracy decreased as the age increased. No effect was found for native language and presence of source.
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    Mother knows best? Een onderzoek naar de werking van product-influencer fit bij Momfluencers.
    (2024-06-18) Verhoog, S.M.
    Momfluencers zijn de afgelopen drie jaar sterk in opkomst. Ze zijn populair aangezien ouders behoefte hebben aan verbinding en advies van andere ouders. De momfluencers worden als geloofwaardig en betrouwbaar beschouwd, waardoor ouders soms de persuasieve intentie van over het hoofd zien, wat momfluencers tot een doeltreffend marketinginstrument maakt. Echter, onderzoek naar andere niche-influencergroepen toont aan dat een passende product-influencer fit essentieel is voor influencersamenwerkingen. Deze match kan alleen niet gegeneraliseerd worden naar andere, niet onderzochte, niche-influencergroepen.. Gezien de opkomst van momfluencers, onderzoekt deze studie het effect van product-influencer fit op de advertentie-evaluatie van ouders. De studie toont aan dat een hoge mate van product-influencer fit attitudes verhoogt. Hiermee toont dit onderzoek de effectiviteit van product-influencer fit in momfluencermarketing aan. Op basis van deze bevindingen wordt organisaties aanbevolen om samen te werken met momfluencers wanneer de geadverteerde producten congruent zijn aan de influencer, zoals producten uit de baby- en kinderbranche.
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    Beeldenstorm bij Protest
    (2024-02-19) Geertsma, B.
    Dit werkstuk richt zich op de factoren die invloed hebben op de mate waarin opnamen tijdens protesten een accuraat beeld verschaffen van de werkelijkheid: subjectiviteit & selectiviteit, toegang & volgorde, ruimtelijke - & temporale volledigheid. Bij het uiteenzetten van hoe deze factoren de weergave van de werkelijkheid beïnvloeden is ook uitgebreid aandacht besteed aan het beleidsaspect rondom filmen en verwerking van beelden omdat de wet- en regelgeving mede bepaalt in hoeverre selectiviteit mogelijk is, wie tot welke beelden toegang heeft en in welke volgorde beelden worden vrijgegeven.
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    Brutal Intimacy: Gaspar Noé and the Controversiality of New French Extremism Films
    (2024-04-15) Heijnis, A.J.
    This thesis investigates what makes the French-Argentinian director Gaspar Noé’s films controversial. His films belong to the New French Extremity movement, which are transgressive in nature. This work will focus on three of the movement’s films in particular, namely Noé’s Seul Contre Tous (1998), Irréversible (2002), and Love (2015). Through a descriptive analysis of the movement’s history and the films’ receptions, as well as through a close reading of the form of the film’s transgressive scenes, the main research question is answered. It shows that what makes these films so controversial, is their tenable realism, pushing up against people’s expectations of art; confronting them with the horrors of their reality.