Teachers’ Needs and Perceptions in the Global Village - Education for Sustainable Development as Part of the English Language Teacher Curriculum.

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Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is a learner-centred pedagogy that has been embedded in many educational domains in the pursuit of globally developing sustainably literate societies. Experts suggest the field of English Language Teaching (ELT) has largely been surpassed by these developments and there is untapped potential to be activated. Previous research attributes this to a global lack of understanding of the term sustainability, as well as a lack of understanding the connections between language and sustainability. An important voice in the context of these discussions has had little representation in previous research: English teachers globally. This research explores the connections between ESD and ELT and, by means of interviews and a survey, aims to determine the needs and perceptions of English teachers in different cultural contexts, providing recommendations and considerations for ESD training developers. The main findings were that teachers had low to intermediate understanding of sustainability but believed in the importance of including sustainability in ELT. It was also found that a global ESD approach requires a methodology that is implementable in various national and institutional contexts.
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