Destination Imagery of Kosovo as a Tourism Destination. A study to the destination imagery of international potential tourists

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The present study aimed to investigate the destination imagery that international potential tourists have of Kosovo as a tourism destination, that is, cognitive, affective, and distinctive attributes that they associate with Kosovo. A qualitative stage first captured relevant attributes associated with Kosovo by potential tourists, as well as by tourists because of the added value of tourists in the promotion of Kosovo to potential tourists. A quantitative stage subsequently measured for potential tourists the association strength and association valence of these attributes. It also aimed to identify their intention to visit Kosovo, how positive or negative their overall image is, and what information sources formed their imagery. Methods included online questionnaires with qualitative and quantitative items and content analysis of travel blogs. The results showed that safety and a weak imagery are the main issues that should be addressed by tourism managers. Positive associations included that Kosovo is not a standard destination and that it is not touristy, while negative associations were related to the war and conflicts or political instability. The results were finally discussed from their practical point of view in promoting Kosovo to potential tourists. Keywords: destination imagery, destination image, Kosovo, international potential tourists, behavioural intentions.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen