Antecedents of adoption intention for nanotech inside and outside applications

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The current study examines adoption intention of nanotechnology applications, distinguishing between outside (food packaging) and inside (food processing) applications. The adoption of nanofoods has been widely researched, yet studies focused on either the differences in adoption for outside and inside applications or testing models for adoption in general. The aim of the current study is to combine these two types of knowledge by testing separate models for the inside and outside applications. The current study uses a confirmatory approach, providing insights into the antecedents of and mechanism behind the adoption intention for nanofoods. The research approach consisted of the distribution of two separate surveys on inside and outside applications. The results were analysed via structural equation modelling (SEM). Results clarified that adoption intention of outside applications is higher than inside applications, although in general higher than expected. In addition, the outcomes provided insights into the different antecedents for adoption for the inside (e.g. risk, naturalness) and outside (e.g. perceived benefit, trustworthiness) applications. A limitation was that generalisability was not optimal due overrepresentation of certain groups. The study is original in applying Rogers’ (2003) Adoption Theory as a theoretical lens for the joint validation of two models for inside and outside applications, focusing on their differing antecedents
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen