The impact of the international education concept of SALTO on the migration decisions of expats in the Brainport region

The international education concept of SALTO is designed in order to fulfil the needs of expats coming to the Brainport region. The aim of this research is to find out whether the international education concept of SALTO had an impact on the migration decisions of expats. This is done by looking at the different factors of migration decisions and the dimensions of SALTO RISE. This research is a qualitative research with a case study in order to gain in-depth information on the phenomenon. Interviews were held and surveys were filled in in order to gain the data. The data is analysed by assigning codes in Atlas.Ti. Job opportunities turned out to be the most important migration decision factor and the focus on being Dutch and being an International turned out to be the most positively experienced dimension. SALTO RISE did not affect the migration decisions of expats in the past, but perhaps this can change in the future. It is important to keep in mind the importance of migration decisions for expats
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