Clothing Comfort Predictability via 3D Body Scans

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Prediction of clothing comfort is a challenging problem in virtual fitting. Most of the solutions tried so far are based on external devices or sensors. We propose a novel method to predict clothing comfort based on only 3D body scans.We created a small 3D scan database of 12 participants’ lower body dressed with jeans on leggings and just with the leggings. This dataset was used as input for several Neural Networks and machine learning algorithms. The input was the area of cross sections taken perpendicular to y-axis from particular regions of the scans (knee, thigh, crotch, hip). Additionally, we created an image dataset to be used as input for a Convolutional Neural Network. We used Neural Networks or the Machine Learning Algorithms to predict clothing comfort evaluated by the participants after the trials of the jeans. Results support that clothing comfort problem can be handled as a classification or an image classification problem and lead us to the possible adjustments to be able to predict clothing comfort with 3D body scans precisely. Index Terms—Clothing Comfort, Virtual Fitting, 3D Body Scanning, Image Classification
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen