Examining the Relationship Between Words and the Degree of Noun Bias

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The degree of noun bias di ers between children. This project focused on trying to uncover the di erences in word knowledge between children with a weak degree of noun bias and children with a strong degree of noun bias. By using data from Wordbank, which contains parent-completed reports of the Communicative Development Inventory (CDI), di erent random forest models and decision trees were created for four di erent age groups: 16 to 19 months, 20 to 23 months, 24 to 27 months and 28 to 30 months. The random forests were used to see which words were important for classifying if a child has a weak or strong degree of noun bias. It was found that the classi cation worked quite well and that all of the important nouns were indicative of a strong degree of noun bias and all of the important verbs for a weak degree of noun bias. The decision trees were simple and had a high accuracy when trained and tested with the Wordbank data, but failed to get a high accuracy when tested on CHILDES data, which is data that is collected during interactions with children. This suggests that there is a relationship between words and the degree of noun bias when the data that is used comes from CDI forms.
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen