The relationship between ambidextrous leadership and sustainable employability. The mediating role of work engagement between opening leadership behaviour and sustainable employability.

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This present study aimed to develop knowledge about the relationship between opening leadership behaviour, as a form of ambidextrous leadership, and sustainable employability. To do so, we tested two mediation models wherein work engagement was assumed to be a mediator between opening leadership behaviour and respectively employability and health, being the hypothesised outcomes. A survey was conducted among a sample of 117 pairs of employees and their direct supervisors in a variety of Dutch organisations in different sectors. The results of the hierarchical regression analyses showed a relationship between opening leadership behaviour and vigour, being a dimension of work engagement. Furthermore, several relationships were found between work engagement and some dimensions of employability. In addition, opening leadership behaviour was found to relate positively with all employability dimensions, except with balance. Finally, we found a positive relationship between two dimensions of work engagement (i.e., vigour and dedication) and health. However, the outcomes of our analyses did not provide support for the idea of a mediation effect of work engagement in the relationship between opening leadership behaviour one the one hand and employability and health, on the other hand. The implications of our findings for different stakeholders (i.e., top management, line managers, HR professionals and employees themselves) about how they can enhance the sustainable employability of employees and directions for future research are discussed. Keywords: opening leadership behaviour, ambidextrous leadership, work engagement, employability, health, sustainable employability
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