Neighbourhood liveability and active modes of transport: the city of Amsterdam

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The present study investigates the relationship between liveability and the use of cycling and walking for transport. In the context of this study, liveability is measured by analyzing three dimensions: civic engagement in local issues, social relations between neighbours, and the composition of the physical environment such as the presence of communal spaces and the proximity of residential areas to places that cater to daily needs. A case study was conducted in the city of Amsterdam using a convenience sample of 71 voluntary participants (44 women and 27 men). The participants filled out an online questionnaire that was evaluated statistically. First, a correlation between the variables was evaluated, and this was followed by a regression analysis that determined the direction of the correlation. The results suggest that there is a partial relationship between cycling and the liveability of urban spaces. A positive correlation was found between cycling and satisfaction; participants who cycled more often reported higher levels of satisfaction with their neighbourhoods. There was also a positive correlation between cycling and civic engagement; participants who cycled more often reported higher levels of civic engagement regarding issues affecting their neighbourhoods. A correlation between walking and social relations between neighbours was not found.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen