Behavioural and Social Influences on Human-Robot Proxemics

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Knowledge on how a robot's behaviour will in uence human-robot proxemics can help to optimize human-robot interaction. A successful interaction is a requirement for the usefulness of social robots. This project investigated whether di erent aspects of social robot behaviour had an in uence on human proxemics and perception of the robot. Several user studies were performed to investigate whether a di erence in approach speed, experiencing how the robot makes di erent types of mistakes or seeing di erent social behaviours in uenced proxemics. Results show that, even though there were no di er- ences for approach distances within the three aspects, perceiving the robot make a mistake and showing social behaviour have an in uence on proxemics and perception. Order of approach (human rst or robot rst) signi cantly in uences proxemics and perception as well. These results indicate that the initial acquaintance between a robot and its user is essential for successful human-robot interaction.
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen