A Flying Start: Preparing Fokker Elmo Hoogerheide for a New Age Preparing the organizational restructuring of Fokker Elmo Hoogerheide for the introduction of automated production processes.

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This research has analysed the organisational structure of Fokker Elmo Hoogerheide, producing complex wiring systems. The goal of this research was to give recommendations on the innovation structure which the organization can use before newly developed automated processes are introduced. The capability of the organisation to innovate is influenced by its structure. The innovation structure is analysed with the Model Innovation and Organization Structure (MIOS). Together with the production structure, which was described and analysed using the design parameters of De Sitter, a difference between the actual and desired state of the structures was determined. This research is conducted in a qualitative, deductive manner. The research being a gap-analysis, first a theoretical background was created. Then, data was collected, after which the actual and desired state were compared so recommendations could follow. Data was collected by conducting semi-structured interviews at the Technology and production divisions of Fokker Elmo.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen