The balance between exploration and exploitation within Marel Poultry

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The focus of innovation is often based on the demand of customers and the market. Organizations struggle with the balance between exploitation and exploration. The right balance helps organizations to create and advantage compared to other similar companies. In this thesis the organizational- an innovation structure of Marel Poultry is diagnosed to analyze what the innovation structure looks like. The research was conducted using the sociotechnical approach of De Sitter and carried out in a qualitative way, this was done by conducting semi-structured interviews. First a literature review was conducted which explains the term innovation and the desired situation of an organization and innovation structure. With the interviews the actual situation was described. Next, the actual situation was compared with the desired situation from the literature review. The comparison provided insights into points for improvements, which led to recommendations. The results and analysis of this research showed that functions from the Innovation and Organization Structure Model occur informally, formally or in combination. The functions of the Model for Innovation and Organizational structure got different degrees from insufficient to good. This led to recommendations that can help to improve the innovation and organizational structure. Most of the recommendations are aimed at formalizing and improving not sufficient functions. One of the recommendations is to record information about innovation projects in a data base, in this way tips and tops of previous projects can be used by other project leaders.
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