Understanding Biodiversity: A critical evaluation of the development of the biodiversity monitor for dairy farming in the Netherlands

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This Master’s Thesis about the biodiversity crisis start with the question what biodiversity actually is. Therefore, this research starts with introducing the concept of biodiversity and the global biodiversity crisis. This research makes use of a case study: the biodiversity monitor for dairy farming in the Netherlands. In 2014 in the Netherlands, research started with developing a so-called biodiversity monitor for dairy farmers. Simply explained, the main principle of the biodiversity monitor is the formulation of 7 Critical Prestation Indicators. The goal of this monitor is biodiversity restoration in the Netherlands. This Master’s Thesis critically evaluates the process of the development of this biodiversity monitor. This critical evaluation consists of researching how inclusive this process was regarding including Critical Prestation Indicators and involving actors. The problem statement in this research concerns the limited inclusion of actors and indicators in the biodiversity monitor for dairy farming in the Netherlands. This thesis makes use of two theoretical frameworks: the Actor-network theory and the Policy Arrangement Approach. The actor-network theory is applied to the global biodiversity crisis, where different philosophers and their thoughts are discussed, related to this crisis. The Policy Arrangement Approach is applied to the biodiversity monitor, where there is a focus on relevant actors and their power in the biodiversity monitor. Next to this extended theoretical chapter, the results chapter consists of a document analysis and interview analysis. Documents about the biodiversity monitor are analysed, where the development of the process of the monitor is researched. Next to this, 10 important actors of the biodiversity monitor are interviewed. These conversations are analysed in the interview analysis, where the different (and conflicting) perspectives of interviewees are explained. The conclusion of this research formulates an answer about the inclusiveness of the biodiversity monitor for dairy farming, regarding the inclusion of indicators and actors.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen