The mediating role of resources A quantitative dyadic study concerning the role of self-efficacy and job autonomy in the relationship between leadership and job satisfaction

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This study aimed to examine the mediating role of a personal and a job resource in the relationship between leadership and job satisfaction. Specifically, the mediating role of self-efficacy and job autonomy were studied in the relationship between transformational leadership and job satisfaction and abusive supervision and job satisfaction. This study was based on a new stream within the Job Demands-Resources theory, which concerns the influence of leadership on resources. A dyadic cross-sectional survey was spread amongst Dutch supervisors and employees, resulting in a sample of 125 dyads. Transformational leadership had a positive influence on job satisfaction, whereas abusive supervision had a negative influence on job satisfaction. Furthermore, job autonomy positively mediated the relationship between transformational leadership and job satisfaction. Moreover, job autonomy had a higher explanatory power in both models in comparison to self-efficacy. The results of this study demonstrated the vital influence of a positive leadership style on the job satisfaction of employees and the crucial role job autonomy, in other words a job resource, plays in this relationship. Future research is needed to discover more about the mediating role of various resources, and demands, in different types of leadership styles.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen