Remapping of touch on a hand-held tool: A classi cation analysis on EEG signals

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The localisation of touch on tools is done by the human body treating the tool as an extension of the somatosensory system. This thesis examines this tactile extension by investigating the temporal course of the tactile remapping on tools. This is done by conducting Support Vector Machine classi cation on EEG data of a crossed hand-de cit experiment to nd the timing of the availability of the reference frames used within tactile remapping on tools. The main motivation for using classi cation on EEG signals was to see whether evidence for the timing of tactile remapping could be found earlier by using classi cation to nd patterns embedded within the data that are inaccessible using traditional neurological methods. The results of the classi cation analysis demonstrated the similarity of the neural dynamics of tactile remapping on the tools to that of tactile remapping on the body. The results showed how the timing of tactile mapping found by traditional neurological methods was able to be pushed back by 10 to 12 milliseconds using classi cation. This thesis validates the idea of sensory embodiment of tools and alludes to the potential of classi cation analysis within neurological research.
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen