Predictive processing: testing a definition of stabilizing average prediction error

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The predictive processing theory postulates that the brain functions as a hierarchical prediction machine with the goal of minimizing future prediction error. Kwisthout et al. (2017) have formalized the predictive processing theory in terms of categorical probability distributions. In this thesis I propose that stabilizing average prediction error could be used as a measure to indicate whether the probabilities in a generative model defined in terms of the formalization of Kwisthout et al. could indicate real-world probabilities. I tested a by me introduced definition of stabilizing average prediction error in a robot experiment. The definition was not successful. The probabilities in the generative model were stabilized according to the definition before they actually were. The scope of this thesis was too small to make informed choices about the details of the definition, and the fluctuation of mean prediction error was not take into account in the definition An alternative definition is proposed in which the latter is resolved. Future work could be to let the variables in the definition be dependent on factors in the generative model rather than the variables having set values.
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen