Quality of Work in the Smart Industry; How to measure? A qualitative research on the appropriate aspects for a quality of work measuring instrument in a smart industry environment with the WEBA (Welzijn Bij de Arbeid) as a starting point.

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The development of smart industry is quite technology driven. However, in recent years, there have also been various discussions about the consequences of technological developments for the quality of work. This research contributes to the literature on the impact of smart industry technologies on the quality of work by investigating which aspects are necessary in a measuring instrument in order to provide a representative picture of the quality of work in a smart industry environment followed by analysing the WEBA (Welzijn Bij de Arbeid), investigating if the original WEBA is still applicable for companies in a smart industry environment and, if not, show whether an adaptation of this original WEBA is possible. This research compared the WEBA with the current characteristics of quality of work in a smart industry environment. In addition, this research found no negative effects of digitalisation on quality of work in these companies. This research shows that it does not directly lead to job losses and that digitalisation does not lead to stress either, but rather has a stress-reducing effect. This is in contrast to various theories that point to negative effects of digitalisation on quality of work.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen