The perspective of the local church on foreign aid efforts in South Sudan. How Church and Community Transformation has changed the people of Aweil East County

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Humanitarian aid has a long history of successes and failures in fragile countries. One of these countries is South Sudan, where the approach called Church and Community Transformation (CCT) is used to help people transform and develop. Hereby, both the local church as well as the local community are trained to work together for a better future. This thesis sets out to find out what the impact and effectiveness of CCT is towards realising this transformation and thus solving community issues, particularly in the county of Aweil East, South Sudan through the eyes of the local church. This way, a new perspective can be given on how CCT is perceived by those who are closest to its implementation. With the help of semi-structured interviews, local faith actors who are involved in CCT are asked about their opinions on whether and how CCT has changed their community’s issues. The research shows how an overwhelmingly positive reaction is given by church leaders towards CCT, emphasising its influence in self-reliance, unity, a changed mindset, and development among others. Key words: CCT, South Sudan, NGO, humanitarianism, perspective
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