An SSD Multi-box Approach to Automated Malaria Diagnosis on Thick Blood Smears

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In 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported 216 million cases of malaria worldwide (91 coun- tries), an increase of about 5 million cases over the year 2015. An early diagnosis is the best prevention against malaria, and microscopy remains to date the gold standard for malaria diagnosis. Yet, in most a ected regions, shortage in expertise and costly laboratory equipment grant limited access to an adequate diagnosis. This thesis introduces a high-performing, state-of-the-art, real-time object detector (SSD Multi-box) to the prob- lem of malaria detection. Using deep convolutional networks, it responds to the presence of trophozoites of P. falciparum and white blood cells in Field-stained thick blood smears. The detection of white blood cells allows for parasitaemia estimation, a requirement to assess the severity of the infection, and in turn, the type of treatment. SSD Multi-box localizes and recognizes P. falciparum (recall: 87.52%; precision: 90.72%) and white blood cells (recall: 97.54%; precision: 81.27%) on a single feed-forward pass of network at a rate of 9 FPS. Our model outperforms results from similar multi-class studies, yet o ering unprecedented time performance even on low-res image sets, such as the one used here. Transfer learning did not show great improvement, yet results suggest that transferring features extractors from early layers can be bene cial.
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen