Exploring the Relationship Between Company Website Text and Innovation Investment

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We investigate the relationship between text on the website of companies and the investment of these companies into various kinds of innovation, building on an existing study by the Dutch national statistics institute CBS. To this end, we carry out three short studies. First, we try to replicate the results of the original study. Here, we nd some inconsistencies for one of the experiment's conditions. Second, we apply the methods of the original paper to a new set of company websites from Sweden, nding that the classi cation accuracy is substantially lower. Third, we produce a new set of Dutch websites with labels for individual types of innovation, and measure the classi cation scores of two logistic regression classi ers and a set of neural classi ers. We conclude that there is a correlation between company webpage text and investment in product innovation, but not for investment in other types of innovation. We also nd that the neural network models generally fail to surpass the scores of the regression classi ers.
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen