The relevance of the smart city for the low-income part of the population in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

dc.contributor.advisorSmith, L.
dc.contributor.authorLinden, Sem van der
dc.description.abstractThe smart city is a way of improving city services with the help of ICT. With this help the smart city wants to overcome problems in society, such as, poverty or social exclusion. However, when the smart city is implemented in the wrong way this can also increase the gap between rich and poor. The smart city is a popular concept in Indonesia. The Indonesian government has already implemented several smart cities across Indonesia (Fridayani & Numandi , 2018). However, the relevance of the smart city concept can be questioned (Kummita & Crutzen, 2017). Especially for the low-income part of the population, who have less capacity and opportunities to access this smart city community. The goal of this research was therefore to gain insight in and knowledge on how a smart city tool can be relevant in supporting their livelihoods and social security approaches, in the face of external shocks for the lower income parts of population of Yogyakarta. From this goal could be concluded that the smart city is not yet relevant for the low-income part of the population. However, taking a closer look at online platforms and the E-warong (smart city program for the low-income) there is potential.en_US
dc.thesis.facultyFaculteit der Managementwetenschappenen_US
dc.thesis.specialisationBachelor Geografie, Planologie en Milieuen_US
dc.thesis.studyprogrammeBachelor Geografie, Planologie en Milieuen_US
dc.titleThe relevance of the smart city for the low-income part of the population in Yogyakarta, Indonesiaen_US
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