Borders in locally "buzzing" communication ecologies: Scope and limitedness of entrepreneurial networks in Twente (NL) and its German "hinterland”

dc.contributor.advisorLagendijk, A.
dc.contributor.advisorVelde, B.M.R. van der
dc.contributor.authorBittner, Pascal
dc.description.abstractAbstract This research provides an understanding of network –scope and –limitedness in the communication ecology of Local Buzz in border adjacent Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. It is found, that Local Buzz displays significant disruptions, along its tripartite research categories of knowledge-overspills, linkages and interdependences in the area under study. Extrapolating connectivity among regional anchor institutions with the methods of observations and interviews, it is shown how both scope and intensity are vastly limited to the domestic level. These limitations are interpreted as the manifold, structural accumulation of administrative, inter-institutional “borderednesses”. They are mainly visible in the way that the national state border poses a structural barrier for entrepreneurial vibrancy. Less visible, however, structural borders also exist on the domestic level, and cross-border networking is found to have an important side-effect of stimulating inter-institutional connectivity on this very domestic level. Directly - and as a unique advantage for regional policy making in border-adjacent regions – these domestic side-effects can be employed to increase domestic connectivity and thereby regional competitiveness. Indirectly, through the critical mass of better connected entrepreneurs and decreased domestic opportunity costs, it provides ground for a more fruitful communication ecology, stimulating network-scope and intensity across the accumulated effect of the state border.en_US
dc.thesis.facultyFaculteit der Managementwetenschappenen_US
dc.thesis.specialisationEconomic Geographyen_US
dc.thesis.studyprogrammeMaster Human Geographyen_US
dc.titleBorders in locally "buzzing" communication ecologies: Scope and limitedness of entrepreneurial networks in Twente (NL) and its German "hinterland”en_US
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