A System Dynamics Model of Supply and Demand in Thrift Stores Using a System Dynamics lens to look at the underlying dynamics that facilitate reuse

dc.contributor.advisorDeemen, A. van
dc.contributor.authorReeuwijk, Hedewych
dc.description.abstractThis research examines the supply and demand in thrift stores, in order to provide knowledge on the influences on reuse of used goods. In this thesis, supply consists of donations and, occasionally, bought-in goods, and demand focusses on the sales of these used goods. By providing an initial, overarching model, this research gives insight in how influences on supply or demand interact and, thereby, drive the supply and demand. A conceptual model was formulated based on previous insights from scientific literature. Hereafter, in order to build confidence in this model, semi-structured interviews and a document analysis have been conducted. After analysing the data, a revised model was presented, in which the endogenous and exogenous factors and five feedback-loops influencing the supply and demand in thrift stores are visualized. It is found that thrift stores have a limited ability to influence the donations themselves. Some stores try to overcome this by buying in goods. Thrift stores can focus their attention to optimizing the demand of second-hand goods. Sales can be influenced more directly, and selling more second-hand goods, can contribute to reuse as well. For further research, it could be interesting to look into ways thrift stores can influence supply directly, or validate this model even further by including donors or buyers as respondents or quantifying this model.en_US
dc.thesis.facultyFaculteit der Managementwetenschappenen_US
dc.thesis.specialisationBusiness Analysis and Modellingen_US
dc.thesis.studyprogrammeMaster Business Administrationen_US
dc.titleA System Dynamics Model of Supply and Demand in Thrift Stores Using a System Dynamics lens to look at the underlying dynamics that facilitate reuseen_US
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