BRAND HATE; Exploring and understanding the concept

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This study examined the concept of brand hate. The provided insights add value to the underexposed area of negative emotions towards brands and especially contributes to the lack of knowledge about the concept of brand hate. This research also will provide organizations with an understanding of brand hate in order to prevent harmful consequences. Because of the exploratory nature of this research a qualitative method was chosen that used in-depth interviews to collect the appropriate data. This gathered data was analyzed according to the grounded theory approach and relevant quotes were used to illustrate the findings. Within the concept different components were distinguished and discussed. The emotion of hate itself was addressed together with other negative emotions that were encountered during the interviews. Next, the most important antecedents of brand hate were covered along with the necessary conditions for the development of brand hate. Subsequently, the influences of brand hate on a person were elaborated, which at the same time provided understanding of the consequences for brands. The negative emotions discussed in this research varied from low-intensity to high-intensity with brand hate as the most extreme emotion. These emotions found their origin in certain antecedents. Respondents in this study were primarily affected by negative brand experiences, negative stereotypes, negative brand manifestations or indoctrination. They argued that when the personal impact of those antecedents reached a certain level, or when norms and values were violated, brand hate could be developed directly and also indirectly. The latter means that the antecedents first cause negative emotions besides hate, but eventually develop into brand hate. When brand hate is present emotions are instantly aroused when encountering the brand. As a result, the brand will be avoided since respondents stated that they do not want to have anything to do with it anymore. Also, they will spread negative word-of-mouth with the purpose of deliberately harming the brand. This is because Brand-haters support brand termination. However, in the present study it was indicated that this not necessarily means that they take actively part in the sabotage of the brand, but it is imaginable that some Brand-haters might will. Therefore, imagine the damage this can cause for a brand.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen