Sustainable stock, low return, or high responsibility? The case of Vietnam stock market

dc.contributor.advisorQiu, J.
dc.contributor.authorLai Thi Thanh, Phuong
dc.description.abstract- Abstract: “Sustainable stock” has been emerging as a new trend of financial investment channel. Nonetheless, limited research papers are focusing on sustainable stock as it is still in its infancy. The main intention of my paper is to examine the performance of the sustainable stocks in the Vietnam stock market from 24th July 2017 to 28th December 2018. I make a performance comparison between sustainable stocks and the regular stocks using the ordinary least squared with dummy variables, and the Sharpe ratio. Then, I observe the impact of the establishment of the sustainable index – VNSI on the stock price of the included stocks in two different event windows. The number of the stock shows a significant result in the event study increases period by period, but still seems limited. I also find out that sustainable stocks outperform the regular stocks in one out of three periods. Implication and further research direction are also discussed.en_US
dc.thesis.facultyFaculteit der Managementwetenschappenen_US
dc.thesis.specialisationFinancial Economicsen_US
dc.thesis.studyprogrammeMaster Economicsen_US
dc.titleSustainable stock, low return, or high responsibility? The case of Vietnam stock marketen_US
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