Travel Time Reduction Through Real-time Container Truck Assignment
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Truck container transport from and to terminals in the port of Rotterdam is
far from optimal. This is caused by a lack of communication and thus a lack
of (reliable) information. On top of that, the different parties involved have
different priorities.
In this research the goal was to build a Multi-Agent truck time slotting proof
of concept for terminals in the port of Rotterdam in order to demonstrate the
use of information sharing for decreasing the total travel time.
Based on literature and field research, we came up with two potential improvements
which would decrease travel time of trucks, without having a significant
impact on the structure in the port as a whole (which makes the solutions easier
to implement). We tested these suggested improvements in simulation.
The first improvement deals with the sharing of information with regard to
arrival and travel times, which are represented in waiting pro les. By sharing
this information, transport companies are enabled to decrease their travel times
by making better decisions.
The second improvement involved the `loosening' of the truck-container coupling.
When a truck is ordered to pick up a container it may be a time-saving
move, because of changed circumstances, to pick up another container than initially
intended. Implementing this possibility unfortunately did not decrease
the travel times. This is explainable due to limitations of the simulation.
The results show some promise with regard to improvements without significant
changes to the current situation. More research to investigate and confirm
these improvements and investigation of next steps toward implementation are
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen