The Influence of Age and Leisure Time on Prospective Memory

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Prospective memory (PM) is a part of memory that is responsible for remembering and executing intended task or plans. Its performance is related to memory in general and executive functions. Leisure time activities and age are known to influence general memory functioning as well as executive functions. It can be expected that leisure time activities and age affect prospective memory as well. Until now there is no study concerning the effect of leisure time on PM. The aim of the study was to evaluate the relationship between prospective memory, leisure time and age. It is hypothesized that age influences PM negatively, whereas leisure time influences PM positively. Furthermore, leisure time is expected to be the moderating factor between age and PM. The data was collected with the Cognitive Reserve Index questionnaire (CRIq) and the Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire (PRMQ). A total of 129 participants took part in this study. There was no total effect of leisure time and age on prospective memory. This is not in line with current research. Several reasons for these results may be a consequence of the study design, such as the use of purely self-assessment questionnaires and the broad definition of leisure time in the CRIq. Further implications are discussed. Keywords: prospective memory, leisure time, age, cognitive reserve
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