The demand for data scientist expertise within hospitals

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Technological developments influence the way work is designed within hospitals. Hospitals are becoming information driven organizations; much documentation throughout the organization is digital and the health system is more data-driven. Hospitals need employees who can analyze big data for the medical field. Therefore, a new function within hospitals arises, the medical data scientist. A data scientist with the essential medical expertise. This new function is further defined within this research and one possible group of suitable candidates has been studied. Master medicine students seems to be suitable for this function regarding the fact that they are from Generation Z and have the medical expertise, therefore this group of people is studied. The aim of this study is to identify whether master medicine students in the Netherlands present the characteristics which can be related to the competencies required within a hospital for the demand for medical data expertise. A couple hypotheses are derived from literature study and these hypotheses are tested by empirical research. Hypotheses regarding the characteristics of Generation Z and the required competencies for a medical data scientist. For this empirical research, a representative group of master medicine students in the Netherlands participated and filled in a questionnaire. By using the data from this questionnaire, several conclusions can be drawn on the hypotheses. Eventually, the results from this empirical research did support the expectation that master medicine students present characteristics which can be related to the required competencies for a medical data scientist. Although the question remains; to what extent do they present the characteristics which can be related to the required competencies for a medical data scientist?
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen