Someone like me; Diagnosis and design of the new facilitated network
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Around 270.000 people are suffering from dementia in the Netherlands. For the larger part, they are cared for by carers. Most of these carers are in a very difficult position. They need information, tips, contact with other carers in the same situation, and professional assistance. This is not only crucial for these carers, but also for society since the total healthcare costs for dementia could be up to 70% higher without them. is an online platform which aims to support these carers, and thereby the related dementia sufferer as well.
This research aimed at gaining insights into how De Sitter’s design principles and the integral design approach by Kuipers et al. can be used to design a facilitated network organizational structure. The outcomes of this research contributed to design theory by combining these theories and enhancing our understanding of these innovative types of networks. Moreover, the results have been used to design an organizational structure for
Data has been collected by means of two methods. First, interviews were held among several employees of Alzheimer Nederland to get deep insights from a selected group of respondents. This selection took place based on representativeness and uniqueness. Second, several documents have been collected. Following the data collection, template analysis has been used to analyze the data.
The results showed how the organizational structure of can be designed while using sociotechnical theory. The entire thesis has been split up into two parts: (1) diagnosis, and (2) design. After the first part, diagnosis, the results showed the current situation and the requirements for the second part. This current organizational structure contains three order flows, namely: answer specific questions, create platform content, and write and distribute brochures. After the second phase, design, the proposed organizational structure for has been presented. The main difference with the diagnosis structure is that this proposed structure has six order flows to enable the platform to reach its goals.
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