Regional governance in upscaling drought management innovations: a multi-level perspective

dc.contributor.advisorVitale, Corinne
dc.contributor.advisorMeijerink, Sander
dc.contributor.authorErp, Edward van
dc.description.abstractThis thesis investigated how the regime of Dutch regional drought governance, namely the provinces and water boards, supports or obstructs the upscaling of these innovations. Water Board De Dommel and the Province of Noord-Brabant were taken as a case-study for the regime. A theoretical framework was set up that combined the Multi-Level Perspective and Transition Management. These theories were used to research what the regime is like (through the analysis the regime dimensions) and the actions it takes (through the analysis of steering & accelerating mechanisms) respectively, in relation to upscaling innovations. Two methods were used: content analysis and semi-structured interviews. The data was analysed using Atlas.ti. The conclusion is that the regime supports upscaling by being progressive and having shared visions. They fill each other’s knowledge gaps through sharing and cooperating and support innovations with their resources. There are more obstructing than supporting factors. The regional governments are risk-averse and technically oriented. Current policies and regulations limit their ability to act freely, but their own lack of providing perspective and insufficient support from the national government are also obstructing upscaling. Moreover, pilots are not being conducted optimally and the holistic and strategic thinking towards upscaling is still missing
dc.thesis.facultyFaculteit der Managementwetenschappen
dc.thesis.specialisationspecialisations::Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen::Master Spatial Planning::Cities, Water and Climate Change
dc.thesis.studyprogrammestudyprogrammes::Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen::Master Spatial Planning
dc.titleRegional governance in upscaling drought management innovations: a multi-level perspective
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