The adoption of carsharing on Campus Heijendaal using the concept of Institutional Readiness
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Although carsharing has promising environmental and social benefits, the Dutch user rates remain limited. To increase the use of carsharing, organizations can provide an important role. Including carsharing in an organization’s travel plan can discourage commuting by car and encourage using public transportation, bicycle, or foot for commuting during peak hours. The university campus in Nijmegen, Campus Heijendaal, is an interesting place for carsharing since it hosts many employees and aims to increase the sustainable mobility behavior of its visitors. However, the implementation of carsharing remained by a few pilots.
Various research has been done on the factors influencing carsharing adoption, but little research has been done on carsharing in a campus context. For this reason, the purpose of this study was to understand the factors that influence the adoption of carsharing on Campus Heijendaal so that policy-makers can understand and accelerate the adoption of carsharing. Therefore, the following research question has been formulated: “Under what conditions can the implementation of carsharing aid stakeholders’ preferences on Campus Heijendaal?”
In order to answer this research question, the concept of Institutional Readiness is used to gain explorative qualitative insight into the preferences and conditions under which carsharing can be implemented on Campus Heijendaal. This study included one focus group with three managers from different institutions on campus and two interviews with two of those three managers. The results show that inter-organizational collaboration and communication are important conditions for the implementation of carsharing on Campus Heijendaal. Furthermore, anticipating the possible impacts of carsharing and policies may result in reduced uncertainty and improved commitment of others. This study adds to the knowledge about the adoption of carsharing, and the findings may be of interest to policy-makers and implementation parties.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen