Bodies Reimagined: The Representation of the Body in Speculative Design

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This study was the first to focus on the FLP of a distinct group of migrants in the Netherlands: parents with a refugee background. It aimed to provide an answer to the research question: ’How do parents with a refugee background in the Netherlands shape their family language policy and which factors are of influence in their family language beliefs, management, and practices?’. This was also the first study on FLP that implemented a mixed methods approach which combined quantitative data from a national survey, and successive qualitative data from semi-structured interviews with 12 respondents. Findings showed that most of the examined factors in this study can be of influence on the FLP of parents. These influences can differ depending on which core-component of FLP is examined, as well as for the different languages that can be used: Dutch or the HL. Findings from both analyses were complementary and provided new exploratory insights, thereby serving as stepping stones for future studies.
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