Gotta catch ‘em all The effectiveness of communication channels in reducing illegitimate complaining.

dc.contributor.advisorJoosten, H.
dc.contributor.authorKleij, Anna Bo
dc.description.abstractIllegitimate complaints are exaggerated, made up or the firm is wrongly blamed. There are different types of illegitimate complainants, the greedy customer however costs firms the most time and money. Therefore, the aim of this study is to deter illegitimate complaints. Neutralizations are used by greedy customers as excuses for their behavior. Neutralizations have a negative effect on cognitive dissonance, deterrence tactics try to limit this effect. As a result, the chances of deviant behavior like illegitimate complaining decrease. In this study, the greedy customer is forced to file their complaints via email and telephone as deterrence tactics. Results show that greedy customers who have to file their complaints via telephone will feel more cognitive dissonance and will experience less intention to complain illegitimately than greedy customers who have to file their complaints via telephone. Also, greedy customers who have to file complaints via telephone will experience more cognitive dissonance and will experience less intention to complain illegitimately compared to when greedy customers are not forced to file their complaints via a certain communication channel.en_US
dc.thesis.facultyFaculteit der Managementwetenschappenen_US
dc.thesis.studyprogrammeMaster Business Administrationen_US
dc.titleGotta catch ‘em all The effectiveness of communication channels in reducing illegitimate complaining.en_US
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