Amount of Reward in Neurofeedbacktraining and the Increase of Upper Alpha Amplitude

dc.contributor.advisorBreteler, R.
dc.contributor.authorGeiß, L.
dc.description.abstractNeurofeedback literature reveals a gap of knowledge when it comes to the question what threshold to use and whether it is better to use a sensitive or a specific one. For this purpose, the aim of this study was to find out the effect of different amounts of rewards in neurofeedback and the increase in individual upper alpha amplitude. 42 participants volunteered. Most of them were students and the rest was recruited through the social network of the experimenters. The data of 26 participants were used, because of problems with measuring and high noise or muscle tension. Participants have been randomized in two conditions, receiving a reward in either ten or seventy percent of the time they had an amplitude higher than the threshold. Based on the previous measurement. The procedure consisted of eight different blocks, where in five of them neurofeedback training was given. The results show a significant interaction between the reward condition and the neurofeedback training, which was measurable through the individual upper alpha amplitude, which rose more in the seventy percent condition compared to the ten percent condition. It can be concluded, that the amount of reward in neurofeedback training does matter and that a sensitive threshold level benefits an increase in upper alpha amplitude during the training session more than a specific threshold.en_US
dc.embargo.typePermanent embargoen_US
dc.thesis.facultyFaculteit der Sociale Wetenschappenen_US
dc.thesis.specialisationMaster Gezondheidszorgpsychologieen_US
dc.titleAmount of Reward in Neurofeedbacktraining and the Increase of Upper Alpha Amplitudeen_US
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