The use of COO strategies in advertisements in the British, Dutch and Spanish Cosmopolitan: A Comparison based on product types and parts of the advertisements.

dc.contributor.advisorMeurs, W.F.J. van
dc.contributor.advisorPlanken, B.C.
dc.contributor.authorHeuvel, E.H.A.M. van den
dc.description.abstractAichner (2014) introduced eight possible country of origin (COO) strategies which could impact the quality perception of a product. There has been limited information how COO strategies are used across countries. This study examined the current use of COO strategies in British, Dutch and Spanish advertisements in the Cosmopolitan of 2016. For this study, a corpus analysis was conducted that consisted of 745 advertisements. The current study focused on 1) the use of COO strategies across European countries, 2) the occurrence of COO strategies separately or in combination with each other, 3) the countries to which the advertisements most frequently referred, 4) the occurrence of suggested COO and its relationship with the use of COO strategies, 5) the differences between product categories in advertisements regarding the use of COO strategies, 6) the differences in COO referred to across product types, and 7) the location of the COO strategies in the advertisement.en_US
dc.thesis.facultyFaculteit der Letterenen_US
dc.thesis.specialisationInternational Business Communicationen_US
dc.thesis.studyprogrammeMaster Communicatie- en informatiewetenschappenen_US
dc.titleThe use of COO strategies in advertisements in the British, Dutch and Spanish Cosmopolitan: A Comparison based on product types and parts of the advertisements.en_US
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