Opening the Black Box of e-health

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Background: To cope with increasing financial and demographic pressures on healthcare, organisations and governments attempt to innovate current ways of organising care provision. Many of these innovations take a technological form, such as e-health. Whereas the potential uses of e-health have been widely addressed, the design process is still an underexplored field of study. Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine how the course of the design process of an m-health application affected medical and IT professionals’ expectations regarding the use of that m-health application. This study analysed the design process of the patient m-health application GoClinic at the Sint Maartenkliniek in Nijmegen. Methods: In this process study, a qualitative research method was used, based on an interpretive research approach. The empirical part of this study was performed from March 2019 to August 2019. Data were gathered by conducting nine observations between professionals of the Sint Maartenskliniek and members of the start-up GoClinic, and six interviews with medical and IT professionals in different functions. Data were analysed using template analysis. Results: This study revealed that throughout the course of the design process, professionals adjusted their initially high expectations regarding the use of the GoClinic application to lowered expectations. The Sint Maartenskliniek experienced external pressure and had the internal aim to digitalise its healthcare system, which legitimised the initiation of the GoClinic application. It appeared that different expectations throughout the course of the design process affected professionals’ expected use of the GoClinic application: the pace of the planned implementation process, the collaboration of the Sint Maartenskliniek and the GoClinic organisation, and the technical and organisational possibilities regarding what the m-health application could offer. Towards the end of the design process, institutional constraints were used to explain why the course of the design process did not proceed according to plan. It appeared that medical and IT professionals were initially positive about the GoClinic application but that their general expectation regarding the future use of the m-health application changed during the course of the design process because of shifted expectations. Conclusion: This study opens the black box of the design process of an m-health application by addressing how shifted expectations during the course of the design process eventually affected the lowered expected use of the m-health application. The course of the design process of an m-health application can largely determine professionals’ association with the m-health application and subsequently their attitude with regard to its implementation. This knowledge may also be beneficial to other healthcare organisations.
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