The Relationship of Work Self-Efficacy, Job Crafting and Job Satisfaction in Startups

dc.contributor.advisorBoumans, Illianne
dc.contributor.authorSachsenhausen, Lisanne
dc.description.abstractWith the great resignation of employees, employers need to find ways to retain high-quality personnel. Especially in startups in which limited resources and name recognition are a hinderance to recruitment, current employees must be retained. Job satisfaction is an important determinant of employee retention. Job crafting, distinguished between increasing structural job resources, increase social job resources, decreasing hindering job demands and increasing challenging job demands, positively affects job satisfaction. Work self-efficacy is a personal factor that could also be associated with job satisfaction. Therefore, this study investigated whether work self-efficacy and the four dimensions of job crafting and job satisfaction are associated. A multiple linear regression was conducted. The general model was significant with decreasing hindering demands being negatively associated with job satisfaction and the control variable work experience being negatively associated with job satisfaction. The other three job crafting dimensions, as well as work self-efficacy were non-significant. Future research should investigate what the underlying causes are for the negative association of decreasing hindering demands and how to circumvent that, as well as, looking into the differences between startup employees and the effect on job satisfaction and job crafting. Keywords: job satisfaction, job crafting, work self-efficacy, startup, employee retention
dc.thesis.facultyFaculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
dc.thesis.specialisationspecialisations::Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen::Psychologie::Master - Arbeid Organisatie en Gezondheid
dc.thesis.studyprogrammestudyprogrammes::Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen::Psychologie
dc.titleThe Relationship of Work Self-Efficacy, Job Crafting and Job Satisfaction in Startups
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