A monopoly on municipal land? A research into the prevalence of monopolies in the Dutch market for housing as a consequence of the building claim model
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This research exhibits a number of problems on the Dutch housing market. In times of a housing crisis, plan capacity is not brought to fruition, leaving the Dutch market in a position of shortage in dwellings. For this gap between planned projects and actual realisation of projects – dubbed the implementation gap – are numerous reasons. Of these causes for the implementation gap, some are extensively researched, such as how site issues, contract issues or financial issues can cause a project to stall. However, one of the reasons is relative under-researched. This cause is developers leaving sites undeveloped intentionally in order to ensure higher profits when market conditions are better. Additionally, on the Dutch markets, some developers own building claims on municipal ground, enabling them to control housing on municipal land. Doing so is detrimental to the housing market, while the companies make a profit. This specific market structure has to be researched more extensively in order to adequately combat this problem, which is why this research aims to carry out surveys among as many Dutch municipalities as possible. Descriptive analysis as well as spatial analyses will be executed in an attempt to calculate what spatial factors influence the prevalence of building claims. By doing so, this research attempts to gain more insight in housing market structures and the extent to which building claims can be regarded as a form of market concentration and competition.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen