Depriveren en deprimeren Een onderzoek naar economische deprivatie en psychologische stress in Nederland

dc.contributor.advisorVisser, M.
dc.contributor.advisorPelzer, B.
dc.contributor.authorFranken, R.
dc.description.abstractPsychological distress is a very important societal problem that needs to be addressed. Socio-economic problems are an important determinant for mental health. However, little is known about how economic deprivation affects the occurrence of psychological distress among those who experience economic hardship. This article addresses the question to what extent economic deprivation affects psychological stress, and to what extent social isolation, social distrust, and a lack of life satisfaction have a mediating role. Furthermore, I address the question whether the impact of social isolation on psychological distress is different among people with different levels of perceived cohesion in their neighborhood. In this contribution a new theoretical model is elaborated to answer these questions. Information on 4455 individuals is used from the 2010 Netherlands’ Life Course Survey (NELLS). The findings show that economic deprivation does significantly affect psychological distress, and that this impact is significantly mediated by social isolation, social distrust, and a lack of life satisfaction. At last, the findings show that the perception of social cohesion in the neighborhood does not work as a buffer against the negative mental health consequences of social isolation.en_US
dc.thesis.facultyFaculteit der Sociale Wetenschappenen_US
dc.thesis.specialisationBachelor - Sociologieen_US
dc.titleDepriveren en deprimeren Een onderzoek naar economische deprivatie en psychologische stress in Nederlanden_US
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