Firm Feedback and Peer Feedback in Ideation Contests A study of the influence of firm feedback and peer feedback on continuance intention in future ideation contests.
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of firm feedback and peer feedback on continuance intention in future ideation contests. So far, these two types of feedback had not been studied together in one study. To generate many ideas in subsequent contests, continuous participation by consumers in these ideation contests is of great importance.
A 2x2 factorial design was used in which four scenarios were created. Participants were exposed to firm feedback, peer feedback, both types of feedback, or none. A survey was used in which a story about a hypothetical contest was provided. Participants had to indicate their agreement on a scale measuring continuance intention in future ideation contests.
Regarding the findings, no main effect of firm feedback was found, a marginally significant main effect of peer feedback was found, and a significant interaction effect was found. Giving peer feedback did not affect continuance intention when firm feedback was present. When firm feedback was absent, giving peer feedback resulted in a higher continuance intention.
Concerning theoretical implications, the interaction effect demonstrated that the effect of one feedback type on the continuance intention depends on the presence of the other. This illustrates the importance of studying them together.
Regarding the practical implications, this study shows that when increasing continuance intention is a firm’s goal, providing peer feedback and not giving firm feedback is the best option.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen