Falsification machines: could FM's bring an increasing amount of sense of agency back to the users in decision making?
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Every single day, many life-changing decisions are made in all sectors of
life. More and more of these decisions are being assisted by decision support
systems (DSS). These DSS could lead to an overreliance on those systems, due
to automation overreliance or lack of expertise. And when these systems assist
in such decisions, who should be held responsible? One of the ways to hopefully
avoid this question from arising, a falsification machine (FM), is investigated
by this study using a game of blackjack. A FM generates a two falsifying
questions after the user picks their first answer. This falsifying question will aim
to make the user more aware of the decision made. This could give more sense
of agency (SoA) to the person that uses the assisting FM. An increasing sense
of agency could result in humans being more in control of decision making. This
meaningful human control (MHC) then might affect the responsibility taken by
the user of the consequences of their decisions. By using a questionnaire, this
study will measure one's SoA while playing a few games of blackjack. Although
FMs have not been fully proven to be a effective machine to increase the SoA
of a user, it sure is an interesting topic for future research.
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen