Comparative study of the animal-based food consumption practices in developing and developed countries - Understanding the consumers’ awareness of the connection between animal-based food consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission in Turkey (TR) and United Kingdom (UK).

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The significance of the impact of animal foods on global warming has emerged in the field of global environmental problems over the last decade. Although the link between animal foods consumption and global warming has been known for many years, people’s awareness of the impact of animal food practices on global warming it has not really been addressed. There are multiple bodies of research that explore the production process of animal products. However, little research has been dedicated to the consumption side. This dissertation is intended to further our understanding of the extent to which environmentalists in Istanbul are aware of the impact of animal food practices on global warming. Seven semi-structured interviews were conducted with members or employees of national or international environmental NGOs in the city. The dissertation looks at animal foods consumption from the perspective of practice theory and participants in this research are considered the ‘carriers’ of practice. This theoretical framework offers a perspective that focuses on consumption at the level of collectives rather than of individual consumers to better understand this phenomenon. Results indicate that Istanbul environmentalists generally exhibit a high level of awareness of the impact of animal foods practices on global warming. However, the results also show that participants’ animal food practices are based on different materials, competences and meanings. Findings suggest that participants perceive ‘meanings’ as the main drivers of their animal food consumption. ‘Material’ and ‘competence’ elements, meanwhile, play little part in the food practice of participants. Analysing participants’ animal food practices using an element-based approach revealed drivers and barriers of animal foods consumption. Understanding these drivers and barriers might play important role to make animal food practices more sustainable for policy makers.
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