The influence of a foreign accent on moral decision making.

dc.contributor.advisorBrouwer, S.M.
dc.contributor.advisorBosch, L.F.M. ten
dc.contributor.authorAchtereekte, W.A.
dc.description.abstractThis study investigated whether Turkish-accented Dutch influenced native Dutch listeners’ decision making on auditory moral dilemmas. 93 Participants filled in an online questionnaire in which they were asked to listen and respond to ten moral dilemmas, either in native or accented Dutch. In particular, moral decisions were compared between a strong Turkish accent, a mild Turkish accent, and a Dutch native condition. Participants could choose between a ‘yes’ (utilitarian) or a ‘no’ (deontological) response, relating to whether or not they would execute the act discussed in the moral dilemma. It was hypothesized that participants would respond more utilitarian in the strong accent than in mild accent condition, and more utilitarian in the mild accent condition than in the native speaker condition. Results showed no significant difference between the conditions which means there was no effect of accent on moral decision making. These findings provide new insights into the role of accent in moral judgments, as well as the relationship between processing and accent.en_US
dc.thesis.facultyFaculteit der Letterenen_US
dc.thesis.specialisationLinguistics, general programmeen_US
dc.thesis.studyprogrammeMaster Taalwetenschappen/Linguisticsen_US
dc.titleThe influence of a foreign accent on moral decision making.en_US
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