Academic performance and stress: influenced by a part-time job? The association of a part-time job with stress and performance and the moderating effects of the student loan and living situation.

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Since the abolishment of the student loan system, a growing phenomenon is the students’ choice to take a side job in addition to their studies to cover all financial needs. The purpose of this study is to explore the contradicting effects of a part-time job, wherein the focus will lie on the stress students experience and their academic performance. In order to answer the research question a quantitative research is conducted by using an online questionnaire to collect data. The total sample consists of 311 students from higher educational levels (HBO/WO). Several concepts are measured: stress, academic performance, the number of work hours, the amount of student loan, living situation, educational level, and gender. To gain insight into relations between these variables, multiple regression analysis is conducted, and the data is further analysed by using the SPSS add-on macro PROCESS to include the effects of the moderators. Results of this study showed that there is no evidence found for an effect of work hours on stress and academic performance. In addition, no moderation-effect is found of student loan and living situation on the relation between work hours and stress/ academic performance. Although all hypotheses are found to be non-significant, there can be made some other conclusions. Female students are more likely to be stressed compared to male students. In addition, female students have better perform outcomes than male students. Education level has no effect on stress or performance. The research limitation is attributed to there being only one survey analysis is used. For further research a longitudinal study can make a contribution by monitoring students’ behaviour over different time points. The insights generated from this study have the potential to inform students, universities, organizational decision makers, and the Dutch government about the effects of a part-time job and how to deal with these effects.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen