From intention to action: smart cities and citizen science

dc.contributor.advisorErnste, H.
dc.contributor.authorTerziradeva, Plamena
dc.description.abstractThis study focuses on a specific case related to the air quality in a country that the problem with the air pollution is quite big, and the population has never been very active for environmental problems so far. This country is Bulgaria, and more specifically the research is focused on Sofia – the capital. It explores the case of AirBG as a citizen initiative that contributes to more actions on behalf of the people and respectively on behalf of the municipality. By purchasing an AirBG sensor for air quality measurements, every citizen can measure the air pollution in particular area without the need of much scientific knowledge or complicated equipment. All data is transferred online on a platform that shows the air quality in each area where a sensor is situated. In that way, people can see the whole picture and the general air condition of the city, which can lead to measures taken by the municipality. This bachelor thesis is aiming at investigating the impact on this initiative on the behaviour of the people who have bought a sensor. More specifically, the influence on their choice of transport mode for the journey from home to university / work / school by using the theory of planned behaviour.en_US
dc.thesis.facultyFaculteit der Managementwetenschappenen_US
dc.thesis.specialisationBachelor Geografie, Planologie en Milieuen_US
dc.thesis.studyprogrammeBachelor Geografie, Planologie en Milieuen_US
dc.titleFrom intention to action: smart cities and citizen scienceen_US
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