Estimating frequency and spectral ripple discrimination thresholds with the Auditory Change Complex in normal hearing subjects and cochlear implant users: A comparison with estimated behavioural discrimination thresholds.

dc.contributor.advisorBeynon, A.J.
dc.contributor.advisorJanse, E.
dc.contributor.authorVestjens, J.P.A.M.
dc.description.abstractGoal of this study was to investigate the relationship between estimated behavioural and electrophysiological frequency and spectral ripple discrimination thresholds in normal hearing subjects and cochlear implants (CI) users. The Auditory Change Complex (ACC) was investigated as a possible objective measure of auditory discrimination. In addition, the relationship between speech perception and discrimination thresholds was investigated in CI users. Stimuli consisted of spectral ripples with different densities and a phase inversion, and pure tones with a frequency increase. Behavioural discrimination thresholds were estimated using a single-interval test. Electrophysiological thresholds were estimated with the ACC in a 2-channel EEG-recording. Twenty-one normal hearing subjects and ten CI users participated in this study. No significant correlation was found between behavioural and electrophysiological thresholds of spectral ripple discrimination for normal hearing subjects and CI users, nor for frequency discrimination in normal hearing subjects. A significant strong and positive correlation was found for CI users. Variation in offset between behavioural and electrophysiological threshold was large between subjects. No correlation was found between speech perception and behavioural and electrophysiological thresholds in CI users. The applicability of the ACC as an objective measure of auditory discrimination appears limited. A significant relation between behavioural and electrophysiological thresholds was only found for frequency discrimination in CI users. Offset between both thresholds was found to vary considerably between subjects, which limits possible clinical value. Additionally, frequency and spectral ripple discrimination thresholds did not correlate with speech perception scores in CI users, which further reduces possible clinical value.en_US
dc.thesis.facultyFaculteit der Letterenen_US
dc.thesis.specialisationTaal- en spraakpathologieen_US
dc.thesis.studyprogrammeMaster Taalwetenschappen/Linguisticsen_US
dc.titleEstimating frequency and spectral ripple discrimination thresholds with the Auditory Change Complex in normal hearing subjects and cochlear implant users: A comparison with estimated behavioural discrimination thresholds.en_US
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