Project Work and Innovativeness: Potential for innovation in a project-based organization’s structure A qualitative case-study on the potential for innovation in a temporary organization in the non-profit sector and the benefits and drawbacks of this structural form on innovativeness

dc.contributor.advisorJong, E. de
dc.contributor.authorLankman, Coenraad
dc.description.abstractWorking and organizing project-wise is a trend that develops itself more and more. Shifting between subjects of projects and dealing with every project on its own is asking for flexible organizations. The structure of organizations that adapt such a flexible form are called temporary organizations. However, the understanding of this new form of organizing and how they deal with innovations is quite complex, therefore this study focused to better understand innovation in the structure of these project-based organizations. The purpose of this research was to gain more insight into the degree of the potential for innovation in temporary organizations in the non-profit sector and what benefits and drawbacks this organizational form has on the innovativeness in the organization. In order to reach this, a qualitative case study has been conducted at the non-profit organization Woord&Daad. This case study consisted of thirteen semi-structured interviews, and a document analysis of the website and the policy plan. The results of this case study show that project-based organization are very effective to deal with innovations and for innovations to occur, as long as the regulatory potential is high and the probability of disturbances is kept low. The benefits consist of having a lot of responsibility and space as a member of the organization to cope with changes and to be innovative. Subsequently, there is a quick reaction time on issues that present themselves. The drawbacks consist of losing the holistic view on the organization’s goal, having a lot of time constraints, and being highly dependent on proper skilled employees.en_US
dc.thesis.facultyFaculteit der Managementwetenschappenen_US
dc.thesis.specialisationOrganizational Design & Developmenten_US
dc.thesis.studyprogrammeMaster Business Administrationen_US
dc.titleProject Work and Innovativeness: Potential for innovation in a project-based organization’s structure A qualitative case-study on the potential for innovation in a temporary organization in the non-profit sector and the benefits and drawbacks of this structural form on innovativenessen_US
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